The Chronicles of Kilimanjaro

free flying across the African skies

Summit Day

by Dawn Sarasin

Dawn Sarasin is no ordinary woman. She flourishes with her passion for trekking up high mountains, skiing down snowy slopes, and fearlessly climbing daunting rocks. Although Dawn was not a paragliding pilot herself at the time, this has never stopped her from experiencing some mesmerizing flights! She finds an experienced tandem paragliding pilot to fly her from astonishing heights once she has made the summit herself. 

On the 27th of September 2017, this extraordinary lady from Switzerland sat in the passenger harness with paragliding pilot Pierre Carter from the Paraglide Kilimanjaro team. She beautifully captured the 90 minute flight on film. Watch this palpably  exhilarating glide from the summit of Kilimanjaro!

To read the full story of Dawn and team, request a back issue with Cross Country Magazine for Edition 186.


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